Square Deal Assembly Services


At Square Deal Machining Inc., we’re proud to offer kitting assembly services as part of the assembly capabilities we offer, increasing our overall efficiency and cutting down on waste. In our facility’s dedicated, in-house assembly area – with fully equipped workflow stations – our kitting services are an integral part of how we operate. All our assembly managers are trained and certified, adhering to kitting assembly instructions.

The kitting assembly process at SDMI allows for greater organization and an easier assembly process, ensuring your product is assembled with consistently high quality standards. Depending on the products’ application, we utilize manual or automated procedures to create a product ready for final assembly or direct delivery.

From design to completion, the engineers, assembly managers and inspectors at Square Deal Machining Inc. work in unison to ensure usability and functionality are executed throughout every step of the manufacturing process – which is why we utilize kitting services. Contact us today to find out how kitting can take your project to the next level.

Work with SDMI for all of Your Kitting Needs

Do you have an upcoming project or design that requires expert kitting services? Contact us to submit a request for a project quote.

Square Deal Machining Inc. Assembly Services